Saturday, July 28, 2007

Before Anything Else...

GRITS for Breakfast. (Gosh it's been a while since I did this last time...)

Yeah, the passion fruit butter spread looks awfully tempting, and the warm chocolate sauce over ice cream sounds heavenly. But before anything else, I just HAD TO do this!

Too bad I forgot to sprinkle black pepper before taking this shot. It looks a little bland without it, I guess...



K and S said...

I don't think I've ever tried grits before. In fact it kind of reminds of o-kayu. Hope it was good :)

child-prodigy said...

haha does obachan need anything from Canada?

obachan said...

K & S
Yep, I enjoyed it. It IS like okayu, to some extent, but not exactly the same, I would say. Rice grains are much bigger and the texture is different from grits, so it wouldn't be the same when mixed with things like scrambled eggs and sausage bits.

Seriously, you shouldn't spoil this obachan like that. Greed would grow endlessly. hahaha...
But thanx for the offer.

Deetsa said...

You are a step or two ahead of me! I've never had grits in my life :(

Hey, childprodigy is right. Canada is ready and willing to do a trade ;D Or from France come to think of it since that is where I am right now.

child-prodigy said...

Well, if you ever need something from Canada haha let me know.

Yay for Canada! I believe you and I are in the same province too.

obachan said...

Well, that can happen. I bet many tourists from abroad have enjoyed some traditional Japanese foods that I've never tried in my life. Also, I've never been to Mt. Fuji.Haha...

And thanks for the offer.

Thanks. I'll keep your offer in mind. ;)